We invest in the future of our children and young people. Whether it's providing volunteer and leadership experiences in our Leo clubs, sharing a positive message through our Peace Poster contest, or supporting events,

Lions Clubs throughout the British Isles rely on donations to support a number of established youth initiatives that help build communities of motivated and capable young people or offer opportunities for individuals to get involved in helping others.

Leo Clubs – Many Lions clubs sponsor Leo clubs to encourage young people aged 18-30 to develop their leadership skills and get involved in local communities. School-based Leo clubs provide young people aged 12-18, with volunteer opportunities to help others and have fun.

Lions Lifeskills – Lions have developed a wealth of original educational resources for those working with children and young people on personal, social, health, and well-being for the classroom and youth work settings. Alcohol, smoking, drugs, gambling, body image, obesity, bullying, self-esteem, loss, and bereavement are some of the important life issues affecting children and young people.

Lions Lifeskills resources help them to gain a better understanding and develop positive attitudes.

Youth Camps and Youth Exchange - Hosted by Lions club members, these initiatives enable thousands of young people each year to travel overseas, discover more about different cultures, and build lasting friendships.

Young Leaders in Service Awards Gold and Silver awards - Awards are presented each year to hundreds of young people by Lions clubs throughout the British Isles. These prestigious awards celebrate 11-18 year olds who make a commitment to help others. The Silver award is for 50 - 99 hours of community service and the Gold award is for over 100 hours of community service.

Young Ambassadors of the 21st Century - Passionate and dedicated community champions between 15-18 years of age are recognised as Lions Young Ambassadors. Individuals are acknowledged annually for their accomplishments by Lions clubs at local, regional, national and international levels. The scheme aims to recognise, encourage and support young people who are actively involved in the welfare of the community.

Peace Poster Competition - The Lions Peace Poster is a global schools’ competition held each year that invites young people aged 11-13 years old to participate. The Peace Poster Competition for 2016/2017 is ‘Celebration of Peace’. The aim is to express creatively their hopes and aspirations for the world. The complementary Lions Essay competition has been designed for visually impaired young people of the same age to express their feelings regarding peace.

Many good causes call on Lions clubs for volunteer support to help out with events. Our organisational expertise is widely recognised, particularly by those involved in competitive disability sports. Lions Clubs partner the English Federation of Disability Sports where we help with the logistics of bringing together 250 young disabled people to compete against one another. Lions Clubs helped to deliver the ‘Games Starter’ volunteer programme for the Cerebral Palsy Sport - World Games 2015.