Lions clubs across the South East of England (Kent, Surrey & Sussex) are launching soon a new service project that will be offered to schools in our local communities. The Vision Screening Camera will highlight through a straightforward "test" an indicator of whether a child may need to make an appointment for a detailed eye test with an optician. With consultation with the Departments of Health and Education, Lions have been given the "green light" to work directly with schools to provide this vital service. 

Research has been undertaken across the United Kingdom that many children in Primary schools are not receiving an eye check up in school, or attending opticians for regular check ups. 

Each camera costs £5,600 and it is planned to have ideally at least 8 cameras available across the South East of England to be used in local geographical areas.  

Thanet Lions are keen to purchase one of these cameras and we need your help to raise the funds to purchase one for East Kent.

Please make a donation or sponsor Steve in his marathon fundraiser so we can offer this unique service to our children.