This LIONS OPEN DAY will be a wonderful opportunity to hear the latest on the Air Ambulance activities and learn how we Lions are enhancing their efforts. You will be able to tour the base and see some of the equipment we have provided, and over lunch you can chat with KSS personnel, who will be delighted to answer all your questions.

The agenda as it currently stands is set out below with timings, but this may be subject to amendment if emergency callouts or other circumstances dictate.

To ensure that AAKSS does not spend money that we have helped them to raise on entertaining us, we are asking you to donate £7.50 each which will cover the refreshments. Partners and family are welcome. Please send the following details and make one payment for all your attendees as per the instructions on the form.

  • Club

  • Firstname

  • Surname

  • Donation

Please return to: [email protected]

Please send your donation to:

District Charities Treasurer Lion Howard Lee using the usual online method to:

Barclays Bank,, Lions Clubs International District 105SE Foundation 

Sort Code 20–17–92, Account No: 23558428

Stating reference AAKSS OPEN DAY and inserting the total amount from your club in the donation column above in the entry for the last one of your members, or partners attending.

I am pleased to announce that, in view of our continued support provided through the Lions Air Ambulance Appeal,  Air Ambulance Kent Surrey and Sussex (KSS) has given us an entirely unique opportunity. Please see attached for details, and I look forward to seeing as many as possible at the event.

Kind regards



Lions Air Ambulance Appeal Steering Group

Past International Director, Lions Clubs International