Hastings Lions proudly supported the Henry Ward Hall at His Place, Robertsons Street, with a cheque for £4765.65 towards the purchase of a beautiful Grand piano to enable the continued provision of events and participation in community based musical productions. 
Mike Willis, Manager of The Henry Ward Hall said "When the Hastings Lions Club agreed to help us complete the purchase of our brilliant Yamaha Grand Piano, we were overjoyed! Now that this challenge is behind us, our friends at the HLC have empowered us to focus more of our energy on bringing engaging events and programs to the people of Hastings. This work they are doing is a breath of fresh air and infuses energy into the many who work tirelessly to make Hastings a vibrant place to live, work, and raise a family."
President of Hastings Lions Club Hayley Luck said'' we are so pleased to have been able to support and contribute towards the purchase of this beautiful piano which will enable this enthusiastic group of people to continue providing and enjoying the musical passion that they have and extending this through enjoyable and meaningful performances and experiences within our local community'
The cheque was gratefully received by Nigel Sinden-Chair of Trustees of His Place and The Henry Ward Hall.